Monday, March 12, 2012

Almost there!!!

Hey hey America! :)

I found out last night that I leave for outreach on March 30th. That's in 16 days! I'm freaking out over here. There is SO much to do and learn before outreach...including raising around $1900 more dollars for myself. And that's to be done by TOMORROW. So this is my urgent blog post to ask for finances.

I would write another long post telling you ALL about Bangladesh and London and the work that we are going to be doing there, but honestly, I don't think people really have the time to read that so I'm not going to (and there is one pasted right below here). Just know this: I KNOW that God has called me to these places and that He wants me to go and therefore he has called me to once again ask for finances. This past weekend I saw him bring in $2200 which is just AMAZING. I know He can bring in this last $1900 by today and tomorrow.

Pasted below is the link where you can give.

some detail for you:
((under Money Details))
Step 1: Donation / Gift
Step 2: A Student
Select School: Discipleship Training School - Young Peoples
Who is it for? Someone else
then write my name Ashley Malcolm in the box

If you would like to give in another way PLEASE let me know how much you will be giving and when so that I can tell the accounts office here and then can add it into my total.

Thanks to all back home who have given and are praying. My love to you all!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ashley,
    Well, actually I would love reading about what you are going to do in both London and Bangladesh and also what you have learned in the past several weeks at DTS-I sure don't mind details, it helps me understand what you are doing and how I can pray specifically besides for funding :)
