"Stand by the roads, and look,
and ask for the ancient paths,
where the good way is; and walk in it,
and find rest for your souls."
_jeremiah 6:16.
i'm no one really special. just another girl.
the story of my life is still being written, and not by me.
Jesus Christ is writing my story, and thats just how it should be.
for what He writes is best, i'm finding out.
through trials and troubles He's been steadfast.
and no matter what tomorrow brings, He ever will be.
my life is made all the richer by...
_the perfectness of Jesus. and His glorious gospel.
no longer must i fear death. He conquered it. and sin. forever. hallelujah.
_the sweetness and ever steadiness of the truth in the Bible.
His Word and Holy Spirit are my guides in this dark world.
The truths in that book lighten my soul and give me hope.
_the 5 people who call me sister and daughter.
my gratefulness for them is to the moon and back.
and though I am away from them at the moment, they are forever in my heart.
_the dear people i am blessed to call friends.
so many have come along side me in dark days,
encouraged me, strengthened me, and challenged me.
i am all the more richer because of their love.
_Charles Spurgeon and the words God put in his mouth and
led him to document for us to read years later. His insights
have encouraged me more than a 1000 times.
_the gift of singing. song is what i go to so often
to cheer my soul. the lyrics of christian songs that sing of my
Savior are an amazing comfort.
_the team of people I currently live with. I don't think this group of amazing people will ever
understand how much I love and need them. They have become best friends.
and there you have it. now you know me.
well some things about me.
and as the days and weeks go by,
you'll get to know me better.
you'll get to see into my life
as i seek to stand by the roads.
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